6 Tips To Spice Up Your Mobile Copy

6 Tips to Spice up Your Mobile Copy

The mobile market has seen a great rise over the last couple of years. Nowadays, a copy only sells on compelling contents. Readers are interested in a copy only to scan relevant information quickly.

It’s not only something that only sounds great but it should also look appealing to the eyes. This is what a mobile copy is all about.

Since you don’t have much time to grab the attention of your users, therefore the conciseness is the primary elements that come into play for writing a mobile copy.

So the next time you set your eyes on screen for writing a mobile copy, don’t forget to follow the below-mentioned guidelines:

1. Focus On Visuals

Focus On Visuals

Inarguably, visuals play an important role in making your copy look attractive to the eyes of your leads. From a reader’s point of view, a compelling copy should have a balanced proportion of colors, distribution of information and use of images.

For getting more engagement of your leads, you should use frequent use of lists, bullets, and spacing. Considering that a mobile screen is only big enough to accommodate few wordings, you need to keep your copy brief and precise to convey the idea of your products.

2. Use “The Golden Triangle” Tactic


The Golden Triangle was a technique created by Jakob Nielsen which reveals that users view content using the “F-pattern”. It explains that the title and description are two of the first three listings that every viewer glances in a copy.

After that, they would only a few the title and part of the description in the next searches. This way, a website can generate more click-through rates.

The results show that a website can rank in the top three of your primary keyword. That is when SEO marketing campaign is most effective. Marketers have to use concise information and title for their website to make an impact.

3. Always Remember That Less is More

Always Remember That Less is More

Writing is all about conciseness. Truly effective copies put across an idea with brevity.  Given that the mobile users have only a few inch of screen, it even calls for a precise writing so that you can engage the readers on the go. This is the only philosophy to write a compelling mobile copy

Just cut out the crap and avoid exaggerating the points. Even if it is for a long copy, you should only use your creative juices only for important information.

4. Email Marketing Made Better

Email Marketing Made Better

Emails are a vital portion of your marketing success. Users will spend less than five minutes going through their emails every now and then. It’s the same as checking their social media profile. As soon as a notification comes up, you can’t help but check it out. You have to tailor a campaign that is not only simple but has a specific and immediate call to action.

5. Be Sure Your Content Is Received On Point

Be Sure Your Content Is Received On Point

Users should not spend more than a minute or 30 seconds when reading your content. If you want your readers to know about your latest blog post, your title, the opening line and the paragraph are of the utmost importance. It would be wise for you to come up with a compelling opening line and then write the information that you want your readers to read.

6. Make Use Of Bullet Points

Make Use Of Bullet Points

Knowing how important substance is to you, we can only suggest that you break it down. Turn all of those chunks of content into bullet points. With each bullet point taking up the space of your smartphone screen, it will be easier for your users to know about your brand and site.

To wrap it up, you have to be short, sweet and to the point in mobile marketing.

Author Bio: Kendall Jenner works as a marketing analyst for Dissertation Writing Help firm. She is also a blogger and pro copywriter. In her articles, you’ll find tips on blogging, copywriting and mobile marketing. You can follow her on social media accounts Facebook | Twitter | Google+.