Should You Build Your Website By Hand or Use Web Design Software?

Should You Build Your Website By Hand or Use Web Design Software?

So you have decided to build a website whether because you want to start a business that sells and offers services to customers or perhaps you want to start a personal website such as a blog. More local businesses and different people are using websites as a homepage platform to reach out to customers and share links to their social media sites from Facebook and Twitter to Instagram and Vine to create an ever broader online presence. The number of new websites and blogs was outstanding in 2012:

  • 51 million newly added websites
  • 87.8 million Tumblr blogs
  • 59.4 million WordPress sites around the world

Should You Build Your Website By Hand or Use Web Design Software?

Before you get started on designing a website for yourself or your business, you will need to decide if you want to build your own website by hand or with the help of web design software.

Designing a Website by Hand

Building a website from scratch can give you a lot of flexibility, but if you are not trained in HTML/CSS skills, you could find it fairly difficult compared to somebody who is trained with these skills. If you do not have the advanced skills to build your own website, consider taking a short course in your community so you are able to at least the basics to have a basic understanding of web design. If you do not feel confident in your skills to build your own website on your own, you may want to consider consulting a professional web designer who is skilled in not only HTML/CSS but graphic design, java script, SEO, Flash and web server administration as well.

There will be some added costs to hiring a professional web designer to create and maintain your website, but they will be able to create a one-of-a-kind look for your business or blog. If you have an additional questions they can answer them for you as you need. However if you are unable to afford to hire a web designer full time or as a freelancer, there are other options that are less expensive and just as efficient that you can consider.

Guiding by Web Design Software

If you are a beginner to web design and do not have the time to become fully committed to learning about it, another option is to use a web design software program. A web design software program is a great investment because it guides you through all of the steps even if you have not had any previous experience. With a software program, you will be able to shape your website to look and fit your industry as much as you want.

These software programs are designed to meet the exact needs that you have whether your website is for business or personal use. For your business, you will have the ability to sell your products and promote your services and because mobile marketing is important to a business’ success, software programs will help you build your presence with apps for different tablets and smartphones.

Personal website software programs for blogs will allow you to upload different documents and videos to your website as well as widget or html elements. You can also include interesting applications such as social media sites and other pieces of information related to your website that you think your visitors would find interesting such as other blogs or news articles.

By maintaining your website on your own with a software program, you can update it whenever and however you want. The different programs are designed to make it simple for you so that you do not have to reach for outside help or you are unable to afford other web design services.

Hopefully the choice between deciding to build a website by hand and purchasing a web design software program is clear. There are different advantages and disadvantages for both, but either solution will help you create the professional look and online presence that you aim for with your business or personal website.