Falling Metrics? 4 SEO Tricks You Need to Know

Are your metrics falling? Is the amount of traffic your business’s site pulling in dwindling? Perhaps the reason for this is poor SEO practices. In fact, even good SEO efforts can use some tweaking and updating in order to keep up with how rapidly search engine algorithms are changing. Even basic internet practices fluctuate, making it important to stay ahead of the game to keep your company information at the top of the search list. The following are four SEO tips and tricks every website should utilize to resolve falling metrics and failing analytic results.

Name Extraction

Link building is often a long and tedious process, requiring repetitive tasks to succeed at establishing an effective network of backlinks. You also have to review the quality of those backlinks, and only connect to reputable sites to avoid damaging your results. However, there are some tools out there to make this job easier. Namely, name extraction tools offer broad semantic ontology, including people, organizations, addresses, artifacts, phone numbers, and titles. Entity extraction services help you keep track of who is carrying your backlinks, as well as identify exactly who is following them to your site. This information makes it easier to create quality link building and ensure that your company is showing up in all of the right places and reaching all of the right people.

Social Media Automation

Automating social media takes all the time and effort out of juggling multiple social media accounts. You can automate posts and shares using options built into most social media platforms, setting your company’s social media presence up to remain consistent and stocked for months in advance. There are also downloadable tools that you can use in order to automate things like user responses, team member collaborations and tracking analytic data. With some extra planning ahead of time, you can easily have your social media account running itself, allowing you to aim your focus elsewhere.

Custom Images

Utilizing many different forms of media will enrich the content contained on a website or blog. Images, especially those custom created for a particular type of content or niche, promote a better user experience and, thus, the share-ability of your content. Users are more likely to share content which engages and entertains them visually, and makes content easier to recall later on. You can create custom images using various tools online, or by investing in software like Photoshop or Gimp to give your images a professional flare. Taking content enrichment a bit further, videos or interactive presentations also add to the marketability of specific content, so long as quality audio is included.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Although keywords are useful as a driving force of traffic for websites and blogs, using them too frequently will only hinder your site’s success. Content littered excessively with the same words will register as spammy and drive away customers, whereas too many different keywords on too many topics will confuse the search engine. Confusing the engine with a lack of focus will place your site firmly in the “other” category, and you won’t show up for any of the categories you tried to get into. There is no one standard for how many keywords or multiples of keywords can be placed in content, but each piece of content should have a specific focus, and the keywords on that focus should flow easily within the content. How often you repeat your words depends on the length, and how often it comes up naturally.
SEO can be hard to navigate at times, but tools are available to help you automate much of the work. You can also increase your draw on search engines without being spammy, creating natural content that will draw customers to your site. Follow these tips to keep ahead of the ever-changing algorithms and practices, and ensure that your SEO base has a high-quality structure that will bring you to the top of relevant searches.