What Is A Polygraph Test?
A polygraph or lie detector test is a machine that has six sensors or wires that are attached to a person’s body while an examiner watches graph paper that is being scribbled on by special pens that are also attached to the polygraph machine. The pens are scribbling lines that report the physiological reactions of the person being tested when they are asked certain questions by the examiner. The examiner can interpret these reactions and determine deceptive behaviour from the results. This test is not actually detecting lies but the wires are recording the subject’s heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure and perspiration on the fingertips which the examiner can read and determine if a lie is being told. Some polygraphs can detect a leg or an arm movement. At first the examiner asks simple questions to establish the normal reaction of the person and then they start to ask the real questions. Both during and after the test the well trained examiner will look at the graphs to see if the vital signs change significantly, such as a faster heart rate or higher blood pressure which might indicate that the person is lying.
Who Would Use A Polygraph Test?
Polygraphs have been used since it was invented in 1921 by John Augustus Larson who was both a medical student and a police officer in Berkeley, California. In some countries the lie detector test is used as an interrogation tool by the police or government agents when questioning criminals or terror suspects and some police forces use a polygraph when screening new employees. The test has become more popular in the UK due to the ITV television programme The Jeremy Kyle Show and the Trisha Godard Show. These shows invite people on the programme as guests to talk about their private lives and many ask for a polygraph test to show they are innocent or to prove someone is lying. It is important to make sure that you are hiring a fully qualified and accredited polygraph examiner as the results of the test can vary according to the talents of the examiner and the age and state of his equipment. It is not just the polygraph machine that is detecting if a lie is being told; it is the skill and training of the examiner as well. A good examiner is sometimes able to see if the person sitting the test is lying even before the test begins, just by their body language alone.
How Can I Find A Good Polygraph Examiner?
You can find a good polygraph tester by looking online or in the phone directory. It is good practice for you to ensure that they are currently accredited to one of the main polygraph institutes. Going through a private detective is another good method of locating fully trained and current member of one of the polygraph institutes. A private detective will have an accredited lie detector tester working either with them or alongside them as part of the agency.
Charlie Hodgson is a private detective who has worked alongside polygraph examiners and has witnessed many polygraph tests taking place. He knows the importance of only hiring an accredited examiner when looking for a test. For more blogs like this contact http://www.private-investigatorslondon.co.uk
How Can A Private Detective Help With A Polygraph Test?
Posted by
April 13, 2013
October 27, 2019

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