3 Keys To Start Charging For What You Know

3 Keys To Start Charging For What You Know

In this new article I share three keys that allow you to start charging for what you know, get better customers and increase your income.

How to charge for what you know and not what you do?

This is very simple and yet so underrated: like you’re not 100% responsible for the results of your customers but you are the one who will teach you what to do and how to do it (can guide you, motivate, teach and give many tools) but not you do for him, you have to be more selective and make sure that you have in front a person at least as committed as you are.

On the other hand, specialize in a certain type of customer (with certain needs and emergencies) will make best professional to provide more valuable solutions.

  • Be clear what brings your Knowledge and how Valuable it is for your Customers

This is critical because you run the risk of underestimating or overestimating your knowledge and what you can achieve with it. If your knowledge is associated with a significant and urgent need your customer has and your help really makes a big difference in the lives of your client, then you probably have a high demand and can charge high prices. But if your knowledge is obsolete, though it is important to you or I would have taken years to acquire it, your customers do not appreciate.

Remember, it has to do with what you look like, but with what the market (your ideal clients) are willing to make (and pay) so you know.

  • Find a Suitable Niche Market

While this is tip number one, I decided to place it last because I think you need to be reflected on the previous two to capture its essence. Finding a suitable niche market means evaluate and choose the best combination of what you know and can contribute, and the need for that ideal customer to acquire that knowledge and put it into practice.

Remember the three fundamental keys to choose a correct market niche and define your ideal client:

1 – must love working with these people.

2 – these people should have an urgent and important need that you can solve.

3 – these people should value this solution enough to want to invest in meet that need.

Once you find that niche market, Specialize in it and try to develop your knowledge and your transformational to be getting better and provide greater value added in that niche market power.