Some Proven Medical Benefits of Marijuana

Pipette with Cannabis oil against Marijuana plant

Studies and research extending over decades reveal a wide variety of medical benefits of Marijuana. It is believed that CBD or cannabidiol is supposed to be the sole option that is effective in reducing or stopping childhood seizures. It really works wonders for neuropathic pain that is resistant to any medical treatment. It is also, reported that there is enough evidence to prove that CBD could be used for slowing tumor spread and arresting or preventing cancer spread. The treatment is preferred as it does not cause any nausea or hair loss. Marijuana is used for pain relief in arthritis patients. Here are some proven clinical benefits of Marijuana.

Effective in Relieving Pain

Medical Marijuana has been effectively used for pain relief. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) contained in marijuana is chiefly responsible for effective pain relief. Studies reveal that THC is responsible in activating pathways across our central nervous system thus, blocking the transmission of pain signals to the brain. Similarly, cannabis has proved its efficacy in relieving nerve-related pain or neuropathic pain.

Just Right for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Medical marijuana has been commonly and successfully used in PTSD cases. The high caused by THC is actually related to some short-term memory loss or impairments. Though this is considered to be quite a drawback for many marijuana users, it is also, a fact that impaired memory proves to be astonishingly therapeutic for patients suffering from PTSD, who are unable to forget painful and distressing memories. Recently studies have confirmed the PTSD-associated symptoms such as agitation, nightmares, and flashbacks could be controlled through the administration of oral doses of THC.

Useful in the Treatment of Vomiting and Nausea

THC in the form of a pill is found to be effective in the treatment of vomiting and nausea in patients suffering from cancer. THC in pills has been very much in use since the 1980s. Marinol is a pill that contains synthetic THC and was the very first THC-based medicine that was actually approved by the FDA for the treatment of vomiting and nausea in cancer patients. There have been a number of other THC pills including Cesamet ever since Marinol proved its efficacy. Doctors have been recommending and prescribing THC pills to patients going through chemotherapy.

Acts as an Appetite Stimulant

THC not only reduces nausea, but it is also very much effective as an appetite stimulant in the case of both sick and healthy people. Cesamet, as well as Marinol, are regularly recommended for boosting appetite especially in patients suffering from HIV-related wasting syndrome and even in cancer patients. After some research conducted with Marinol, it is believed that THC is effective in stimulating weight gain in cases of anorexia.

Useful for Improving Breathing in Asthma Patients

Nobody could ever think that medical marijuana would be effective in the treatment of asthma. However, some research findings way back in the 1970s revealed the efficacy of THC in improving breathing in asthma patients. Successive trials revealed that asthma attacks could be contained and calmed down by smoking marijuana.

As such, scientists had come up with the THC inhaler idea. However, despite their attempts, they failed to come up with an inhaler, which could successfully deliver THC. Though the scientists have ultimately given up on the THC inhaler idea, some feel that the modern-day latest vaporizers could be the perfect solution.

Demigods and performers over the world express their affection for Maryjane. Reggae star Bob Marley is notable for communicating the advantages of the medication. In spite of introductory obstruction from moderate individuals from the general public, Maryjane has been legitimized for use as a therapeutic item in numerous states over the USA.

Otherwise called Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica, weed develops as a herb. Lovers of the medication choose the buds from the stems of the plant, dry them out and afterward use them as the medication. The buds can be smoked, heated into baked goods, or bubbled to make tea. Every last one of these techniques attempts to discharge the dynamic fixing in the medication, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Effective Sleep Aid

Marijuana is known for its sleep-inducing ability. Research reveals that THC is chiefly responsible for inducing sleepiness. In fact, in the 1970s several trials were conducted that established the fact that THC oral doses were useful in making both insomniacs and healthy people fall asleep in no time.

Moreover, it is quite interesting to note that certain recent studies actually suggest that THC could be effective in improving nighttime breathing and reducing sleep interruptions in sleep apnea patients. It is believed that several researchers are presently engaged in developing a THC-based medicine to treat the condition.