Businesses Influence In Reshaping US Immigration Debate

According to reliable source Ted Poe, Texas Representative who was seeking assurance that supporting the overhaul of immigration laws of the USA would not cause any difficulties for conservatives, face the reality at a restaurant offering seafood located in the suburbs of Houston.

Numerous business executives informed the five-term Republican that it becomes quite difficult to them to find suitable Americans enthusiastic to perform various types of low-key tasks that maintain the lifestyle of the fourth largest city of the USA.

US Immigration DebatePoe assured the executives that he was trying his best to overcome this problem and at the same time informed that his associate Republicans would enable to overhaul immigration system of the US in the near future. He also explained that the status quo is presently completely broken that would able to manage approximate 11 million unauthorized residents of the nation.

It is reported that in the last weeks of summer, when lawmakers visit their home districts numerous organizations have organized in order to influence Republicans like Poe that their constituents support the overhaul of immigration.

The unassuming policy by businesses as well as the decision of various lawmakers who spend the month campaigning against the president, Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul, supposes to reduce the warmth of the argument on immigration.

Members of Congress arranged a town hall meeting, which many critics afraid would collapse into strident, racially tinged meeting on immigration is reported to end quietly. As a result of this, numerous people involved in the effort are optimistic of the fact that their efforts are going to be fruitful in coming years in spite of the fact that they would face a lot of obstacles from House of Representatives that is controlled by Republican.

President of Arizona Chamber of Business and Industry, Glenn Hamer, expressed that they are certain to get the desired outcome within a brief period.

It is worth to mention over here that business groups like the US Chamber of Commerce, which provided priority to immigration reform for several years opined that existing laws and regulations make the situation harder to find suitable workers and expose businesses to a tangle of conflicting labor regulations.

Reliable source informed that 14 members among the Senate’s 52 Democrats and 46 Republicans supported the bill that includes recent visa programs for foreign workers, additional needs for employers to check the legal status of the workers, a 10-year course to US citizenship for the unauthorized workers, and expending billions of dollars to strengthen the security on the border of the nation.

President of the business group that arranged the roundtable meeting of Poe, Tamar Jacoby explained that to allow the undocumented residents applying for the citizenship, many Republicans are struggling to find a way out.

However, Poe expressed his confusion the approach to treat the unauthorized workers. He also opined that modification of existing laws or tighten the border security would not enough to solve the problem.

He further added that in recent times he has received a number of opinions from all types of person including who supported the Senate plan and who opposed to the plan. He stated that he did not hear in this period anything that would sway his sincerity that the issue must be addressed properly. He explained that most of the people offering their opinions do not want anything fixed, even though immigration has been broken for a long time.