
Why People Leave Your Website

Your site’s bounce rate is appalling — it regularly exceeds 90 percent and that means people are finding your articles, reading your stuff, and leaving. No clicking over to the next article and certainly they are not hanging around to pay attention to your call to action.

If you don’t get everything under control, your website will slip into obscurity. The following are seven reasons why people leave your website and what you can do about that.

1. Ease of content doesn’t exist. Is your content too difficult to read? This won’t matter much if your audience is primarily scholars, but for everyone else aiming at anything about a high school level education means you’ll lose a lot of people. That doesn’t mean people aren’t educated — the web is meant to be scoured and articles that can be digested in as little as three or four minutes are the ones that your readers will like best.

2. Ads are in the way. Yes, you want to monetize your site. No, it isn’t easy to do. In fact, it can take enormous work to pull in just $100 per month. That’s not an amount most people may think is fair. Still, you must avoid over saturating your site with ads — find the right balance and stick with it.

3. Your navigation structure is a mess. People find your website, but they don’t know what to do next. Here, you are missing out on keeping people around because your navigation structure is unclear or untidy. Get back to work on cleaning up the navigation and you just may find that your bounce rate falls.

4. You’re not building a relationship with your readers. You do excellent research for all your articles. Moreover, you link to the appropriate and related articles on your site as well as offer excellent links out to other sites. Although your readers expect you to be in control of your website, they’re looking for a few other factors, including creativity, kindness, and generosity. Imbue the important points and your readers will take notice. They’re also more likely to stay around if they believe that you welcome them. Be careful how you respond to people in your comments section.

5. Load times are terrible. Let’s face it — we scour the Internet looking for information and the last thing we want is to have to wait-wait-wait while information loads. Your customers will leave your website if it doesn’t load in as little as two seconds. That means for every extra second, you’re losing visitors. Don’t let this happen to you — remove anything that can slow your site down, including ads and intrusive side bar photos. Then test your site to ensure it loads fast. If it still lags, you may need to get a new web host.

6. Your call to action is unclear or missing. What do you want people to do when they visit your website? Once they read an article, there should be a clear call to action to help them move on to something else, such as to a sales pitch, an email sign up or to visit another web page. Even if you have a call to action, it may not clearly state what you want your visitors to do. Correct this problem at once!

7. The design is old. It is so true that appearances matter. When it comes to websites, those that look like were built in the 1990s are often ignored. This may not seem fair, but the vast majority of web users are used to something else. You need to deliver a cohesive experience, one that values their web experience.

Other Factors

There can be any number of other factors that have people leaving your site. These can range from plug-ins that slow the user experience to videos set on auto play. You may not find these problems an annoyance, but your readers do explains BESTSEOCompanies.com.

So, take some time to evaluate and attempt to view it from your visitor’s perspective. Chances are they have a few things they would like to share with you, but aren’t able to find a contact form to let you know what those problems are.

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