
What Limo Categories Should You Know Before Hiring?

Any significant occasion in our lives become whole more special when we hire a limo. The luxury style and comfort that come with a limo makes it the most desirable mode of transportation for all kinds of people.

Whether it is a wedding, prom, anniversary, or a romantic date or a city tour, limo service Bay area can impart a great deal of difference to your occasion making it a memorable one. As more and more individuals are hiring limos for traveling, the limo service providers have come up in all big cities. However, before hiring a limo model from any trustworthy Limousine rental company, it is better to know about the various classes of the vehicle to know precisely which model is right for you.

Traditional limousines

Classically, an extension of a standard sedan with a four-door, a conventional limo is modified to make it look more luxurious and sophisticated. The frame and wheelbase of the conventional limos are stretched much longer when compared to sedans so they could provide better legroom to the travelers on the bench seat that is forward-facing. Other sorts of major services include refrigerator, CD/DVD player, TV, and bar.

Stretch limousines

These elegant and spacious limos have all the elements to grab the courtesy of the witnesses at one go. With facilities such as CD/DVD player, TV, bar, and refrigerator, the stretch limos come with a seating capacity of up to 12-15 travelers.

These vehicles tend to be longer than other types of a limo with seats organized together with the span of the car so that the travelers can be seated facing each other. The most widespread stretch limos are Corvettes, Mercedes-Benz S Class, Lincoln Navigator, Hummer H2, Volkswagen, Lexus, and Ford Excursion.

Stage limousines

Gifted with the features of a bus and a sedan, a stage limo has a dominant internal aisle through which the passengers get access to the seating area. The stage limos were built from sedans such as Hummer H2, Cadillac DeVille, Chrysler New Yorker, and from popular station wagons.

One prominent feature of this sort of limo is that travelers can come in through a number of doors. When you enter the cabin, you find huge racks embracing the roof destined for taking the load of the baggage of the passengers.

Exotic limousines

Limos are considered the ultimate in luxury and can be modified according to the requirements of the travelers. Along with disco lights and fully-loaded bar, a striking limo also comprises of facilities such as operational hot tub, a bulletproof glass, and soundproof sliding glass window partition unraveling the passengers and the driver and even a mini bedroom for exclusive comfort.

The expensive limos that can be transformed into exotic limos comprise of models such as Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Infiniti, Lincoln Navigator, Audi, Cadillac DTS, Jaguar, Hummer H2, Bentley, Chrysler, Ford Excursion, Lincoln Town Car, Rolls-Royce and many more. All these vehicles tend to be are very popular and can be rented from any reputed Limousine rental company.

Author Bio

Jason Parekh is a knowledgeable freelance writer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Media, Information, along with a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science. He has gained extensive experience while blogging for the past few years about a number of subjects including limo service Bay area as well as he has made significant contributions towards website content and social media.

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