
Ways in Which Social Media Profiles Can Be Optimized

There was a time when the sole focus of online marketers was on search engine optimization, and they only considered the search related factors for optimization. Then came social media, which initially had no relation with SEO, but after its worldwide success and dominance, it became an integral part of the search optimization process.

Every internet marketing agency knows the importance of social media in the online world of today. No online marketing strategy is complete without considering the social media optimization part in it. Past years show the increasing acceptance of social media by search engines.

Social Media Optimization:

Optimization of social platform is a core objective of social media marketing. Some of the ways in which you can optimize social media platforms are given below.

1. Author Highlighting:

Its all about receiving authority and props from Google, which can be done by implementation of rel=author feature. It can be done by following the below given steps:

2. Establishing Social Authority in Google:

Factors that contribute to attainment of authority in eyes of Google are:

You can gain authority by:

3. Facebook Optimization:

You can optimize your Facebook profile by updating your status regularly, inspecting your page elements, and inserting your target keywords in to your sharing, so that Google recognizes them.

4. Google+ Optimization:

Google+ the brainchild of Google can be optimized in the following way:


In short, no online marketing process could succeed without considering social media, and the above-mentioned points can help in optimization of your social media profiles.

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