
Touchmail Changes Your E-mailing Experience

If you have a modern job, any job, you probably spend a lot more of your life on your email than you would like to. Even if you don’t have a job. Even if you’re in college, or retired, email is a fact of daily life, something we all have to deal with and, more often than not, struggle to make sense of.

Touchmail is looking to change that. Well, you’ll still be on your email alot, but now you might just want to be.

Founded by a team of former Microsoft employees with experience in software design, Touchmail is one of those rare Windows 8 apps that gives you hope for the once-floundering platform, which in fairness, has been making a quiet comeback since a lackluster start. New versions are coming out for other operating systems, but as things stand, there’s already plenty to look forward to.

Touchmail sorts your emails into basic categories, like sender and importance, and displays them in color-coded tiles that can be swiped through on a touch screen and zoomed in and out of focus. The design is visually stunning and the user interface is intuitive and fun. Co-founders Matthew Carlson and Alex Frank think the reduced clutter will be one of the most important draws, but what’s clear from the start is that this is a comprehensive shift in the email experience.

The beta version was a hit at last year’s San Francisco DEMO Conference, and once Carlson and Frank have the other versions up, it’s hard to not see this thing taking off.

As Carlson said, “if people are organizing their lives on their email accounts, we want to organize their emails to be more interesting, more natural, more intelligible.”

Trust us, Matthew, we do, too.

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