
Top 5 Maintenance Tips For Diesel Generators

Diesel generators have gained immense popularity around the world as the most reliable and economical backup source for generating power. The sturdiness and durability factor of this type of generator makes it the ideal to run efficiently and continuously for long hours and generate standby or backup power to be used during emergency situations.

While these types of generators are used for both residential and industrial use, not many people know how to keep their generators working efficiently for a long time. Just like any other equipment, diesel generators too need regular upkeep and maintenance. If you are using this type of generator at your home or factory, knowing the following maintenance tips will greatly come in handy for you:

Regular General Inspection

Dg set manufacturers suggests that regular inspection is the key to using the generator to its maximum capacity. Make sure that you clean and check the different parts of the generators every couple of days. This will not only keep the generators working in top condition but also, you would be able to spot if there is any glitch in the moving parts and thereby prevent any unwanted mishap. From the safety point of view too, regular maintenance is very important. During inspection make sure that you check for any leaks in the engine and if you spot any potential hazard make sure that you fix it immediately.

Lubrication is Vital

Remember, the diesel generators are just like your car, you need to check the engine oil at regular intervals. Make sure that you change the oil as well as a filter after a particular time period as recommended in the instruction manual. Also, check the different parts of the machine and lubricate it regularly to prevent smooth operations of the part, which is vital for optimum output.

Cooling System

The maintenance routine of diesel generator must include inspecting the coolant levels. When you shut down the generator, remove the radiator cap and allow it to cool down. Also, make sure that you check the exterior of the coolant and check if there are any hindrances caused by grime or dirt.

Test the Batteries

The batteries are one of the most crucial components of the diesel generators and they require good care and maintenance. Make sure that you keep the batteries fully charged always to avoid deterioration. Ensure that you make it a point to check the batteries every now and then to know the current status to avoid any hassles during start-up of the engine. During your regular check-up make sure that you clean the dirt and grime that settles over the batteries.

Take Note of the Fuel System

The fuel inside the diesel generator must be used up within one year. This is important because if you leave the fuel inside the engine unchecked or unused for a long time it will start to degrade and get contaminated, this in turn, would affect the performance of the generator and it may even cause serious damage. Check and clean the fuel filter regularly and ensure that there is no water vapour or dirt accumulated on the filter.

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