
Tom and Jerry Cartoon Characters & Games

tom and jerry cartoon

Tom and Jerry has been around for many years and is still shown today on Cartoon Network. Many fans love Tom and Jerry and the fun that they bring. Their adventures are fast-paced, funny, exciting, and a little bit gruesome as well! The cat and mouse live in a house together and Tom is constantly trying to catch the very clever little mouse Jerry.

Tom is the domestic short-haired cat who enjoys a pampered life. He tries to at least although Jerry, the small brown mouse, tends to be within his vicinity. Jerry is a very strong little mouse and lifts many items, such as anvils, with ease to try and slow down the cat! Tom isn’t usually looking to consume Jerry, he just wants to catch the mouse and get rid of him. The Tom and Jerry cartoon shows how he likes to torment and humiliate the mouse and is very determined and energetic. The mouse is very brainy though and is usually the winner in whatever they try to do to each other. It is only on rarer occasions that Tom is seen to be the victor! Occasionally, they end up being friends although something always happens to get Tom chasing Jerry again!

In the Tom and Jerry cartoon, both display sadistic tendencies and really enjoy tormenting each other! Although if another character gets involved and threatens either one of them, the other will usually come to their rescue and have a secret liking for one another. They can get along easily, which makes it easy to believe that they are only tormenting each other because they enjoy it. Tom has a few love interests throughout the series although unsurprisingly, the mouse can tend to interfere.

The Tom and Jerry cartoon leads to the Tom and Jerry Games. Cartoon Network has many games online that everyone can play for free. The games offer hours of fun and incorporate the crazy Tom cat spending a long time trying to catch Jerry. The games are so much fun and do the funniest cartoon ever a lot of justice. You will spend so many times trying to help Tom catch the cheeky mouse and wonder where on earth he gets all of his energy from! He undoubtedly needs your help in the quest as can never seem to catch the pesky little mouse!

All ages and gamers can enjoy the games and you can even play the part of Jerry. You can decide who you want to be. Be chased or try to catch the mouse! You can even try out both as the games are free so there’s no reason why you can’t. The games are really cool and being able to choose who you are out of the two makes them even more awesome. You can download wallpapers too and even watch clips on the site whilst you have a bit of a break from chasing the mouse! There are loads of games to try, loads of clips to watch, and so much fun to be had with Cartoon Network and the classic Tom and Jerry.

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