
The Mysterious Trip of Google’s High Ranked Official to North-Korea

Google’s executive chairman, Mr. Eric Schimidt visited North Korea secretly. There is much a hype in the media about his recent visit to the country. The actual reason behind the trip is still under a deep cover, but surprisingly he hit the news as he took numerous pictures over there of nothing but computers. He visited the Kim II Sung University. The Google chief interacted with the students over there but mostly he showed interest in taking snaps of the computers present in the university campus, each and every place he went he made it a mandatory affair to take pictures of the devices.

Being a computer lover he thoroughly watched the students of the university, working with their machines. Browsing the internet, and loved them making use of Google/his own search engine.

However the secret behind his trip to the country is yet waiting to unfold. Though the media is predicting that preferably he might visited the country to check the advancement in  technology over there along with which, he might would have been interested in exploring the social media aspects up there. This would help him make comparisons ad that might lead us to explore better enhanced technology. He might be involved in sorting out economic issues over there. Though use of computers in North Korea is seeking a regime where it would be used in lesser amount and use of the internet would also get limited. The trip is tagged as a calm socio-economical visit, to avoid generation any kind of political issue.

USA is quite annoyed with North Korea and are having tiffs regarding the launch of missiles which has a long range, in the coming December.  But as the news of Schimidt’s visit to the Korean country has hit the news, the situation has got intensified, during such an odd time of USA’s leading official’s visit has added a new dimension to the story.

Schimidt has not went for the trip all alone but Mexico’s former governor Bill Richardson has also followed him along with his daughters. North Korea comprises of USA’s traitor Kenneth Bae who was allegedly accused of committing inhuman acts against the country and was sent behind the bars. Schimidt talked with the students of the university, who were working on HP desktops. He went on asking people how they search information through internet about various matters occurring worldwide and that very student showed him how he accesses the search engine Google. The Google official then said that, it is the same place where he work, and then he opened up the Wikipedia page to show where he reside there in America. He was very happy to visit the E-library of the university that was equipped with computers, where people were working on his company’s search-engine.

He was astonished to know, that while the students of the university are very much accustomed with computers and could access the internet easily, while the students of other universities have a negligible knowledge regarding the web.

On Monday he visited the foreign and external affairs’ ministers and exchanged words regarding the technological issues.

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