
The Essentials Of Camping

So many of us live to work and work to live, that we take very little time out for our families let alone ourselves. There comes a time when we have to wake up and get out of that cubicle. Spending that long needed time with our families will be refreshing. The options of how to spend this time with our families is never ending. One fun option, for many, is camping.

We often learn to camp at a young age. Many of us have our first exposure, to the fun of camping, when we are but children. Popping up tents in our backyards is where we are taught the essentials of camping. Later we learn the rest of the essentials, of camping, from family or friends. There are many reasons that determines if we continue to go camping or not, All of which are personal.

Where we go depends greatly on the amount of time we have to spend on our vacation, as well as what our family wants to do and is capable of doing. Wherever the destination, there is much to prepare for. The quantity of what is taken, on the trip, depends greatly on the number and ages of the people going on the trip.

As with all traveling, creating a list of all that needs to be packed is important. The list will help to prevent forgetting those critical items and even the small ones. Here are some of those items as well as why they are critical:

◦ Benadryl, anti-itch cream, bug spray, anti-bacterial wipes, ace bandages, band aids, antibiotic ointment, hand sanitizers, sunscreen, and an Epi Pen- a prescription that is critical for anyone with allergies to anything.

◦ Tents, sleeping bags, cots, tarps, extra stakes, duffel bag, and straps

◦ Pan or pot, spatula, plates, utensils, and cups.

◦ Weather appropriate clothing, cold weather gear, swimwear, sleep clothes, rain gear, and extra of all

◦ Ax – We never know if you will need chop our own firewood.

◦ Small fire extinguisher – Safety is always essential.

◦ Candles, lanterns, flashlights, and extra batteries – All of these are needed for seeing in the dark. The candle and extra batteries are a backup in case something happens to the lantern and flash lights.

◦ Shovel, toilet paper & clean water – Both are these are great backup for putting out a fire or digging up a place to use as a latrine and cleaning up.

◦ Clean water – Even if the campsite has water available having a backup supply is always great. We will want fresh water for walk. The campsites water could always be bad.

◦ Trash bags and bungee cords – We want to take out what we brought in. It is important we hang our waste and any food items to keep them away from the bears.

◦ Matches & Lighter – These serve two purposes. One to be used to start the campfire and two to assist with light after dark.

◦  backpacks

◦  duck tape

◦  matches

◦  maps

◦  pocket knife

◦  binoculars

◦  rope

◦  canteen

◦  compass whistle

◦  mini first aid kit

Of course there are other items we will need and want to take. In the end all that matters is that we have fun and spend time with our family.

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