
The Essential Facts You Should Know About Cloud Services

If you are still debating whether to entrust some of your office solutions to the cloud, you’re not alone. There are some business owners who are understandably hesitant to go ‘into the cloud’ – simply because they don’t know much about this kind of service and how it works. But there are also those who have taken the big leap and come out with a much better appreciation for the service. In fact, these enterprises have become so dependent on cloud services that they couldn’t imagine running their companies without it. Are you thinking of taking advantage of a cloud platform but can’t decide? Here are the essential facts you should know about cloud services.

The Basic Fact

The cloud is no longer considered as a trend, as many have already seen. Survey companies predict that by the year 2020, a significant number of businesses will already be using technology which is cloud-centric.

The Numbers Say it All

Right now, around 79% of the workload in companies is run and operated in the cloud, and the US is expected to generate 60% of cloud revenue compared to the rest of the world, which makes it the biggest market for cloud platforms and solutions such as Azure services and other cloud business intelligence services. And for those who have certain concerns when it comes to security on the cloud, you’ll be happy to know that security concerns have already dropped by as much as 25%, which is a fact attested to by the cloud solution experts at LiquidData Systems (visit their website to get more information).

Companies which take advantage of cloud services are also expected to grow by as much as 14% across the globe, as more business owners and entrepreneurs realize the significance of cloud platforms for the proper running of their business operations.

The Top Benefits of The Cloud

When you take advantage of cloud platforms and services such as the Azure cloud service or even a hybrid cloud storage solution where your current IT solutions are combined with cloud platform solutions, you will have quicker access to the IT infrastructure you need, and you will be able to enhance your scalability as a business. Aside from this, you will be able to increase your productivity and the efficiency of your workers.

What’s worth noting is that today, around 85% of businesses already have a multiple cloud strategy of which they are taking advantage. It was also found that companies which have adopted and incorporated cloud services like Azure data storage have had about a 20% improvement in time to market and have benefitted from about a 15% decrease in their spending for IT. These companies have also been able to increase the efficiency of their processes by as much as 18%.

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