
SEO vs UX : The Collision

 In the early days of search engine optimization, rankings were the only thing that mattered. SEO professionals’ main tasks involved placing the keyword for several dozen times on the same page, and oddly enough, this practice produced outstanding results. One of the best examples of how powerful keywords were, ‘back in the day’ are hilarious ‘Google bombs’, especially the one that tied President George W. Bush with ‘miserable failure’ keyword.

Search engine optimization have come a long way since then. SEO professionals have become real marketers, because frequent algorithm updates annihilated spam and black hat SEO and made internet a better place. Today’s SEO practices mostly rely on good-quality content and web design, whose purpose is to produce top notch UX.

Importance of UX for SEO

Although today’s SEO professionals don’t need to be full-fledged UX experts, they should at least understand the main UX principles. In today’s age, everything is focused on the user, and therefore UX is a very important parameter for web design in general and especially for SEO.

Search engines use advanced data mining operations to analyze web users’ behavior and determine their wants and needs. Latest algorithm changes, turned UX in one of the most crucial parameters for page ranking. SEO experts understand the importance of good UX, and they go far beyond search engine requirements, in order to improve their website and make it easier to use and understand.

How SEO Specialists can Improve Website’s UX?

SEO professionals can influence many different parts of website’s UX. They should focus on several different groups of parameters, including:


Choosing the right keywords is the most essential task for every SEO professional. Right keywords attract the right people, who will appreciate the information your website has to offer. Keyword research is a complicated subject, and we will only focus on two keyword features, which have the most influence on website’s UX.

SEO professionals should try to build links on other websites, using link prospecting tools and add keywords to outbound links’ anchor text.

Motivate them to click!

Although we don’t use ‘Google bombs’ and other black hat SEO techniques, we still need to attract more visitors and make them click on our website’s link. In order to attract potential visitors’ attention, we need to furbish these page elements.

Make them to Stick Around!

After you attracted you visitors, you need to keep them on your page as long as possible. Most visitors are in a hurry and they don’t want to spend ages in search. That is why you need to ensure them that your page offers all the right answers. You can do this by customizing these website segments:

Even when you solve all UX issues, there is always a place for new improvements. You should conduct A/B testing for each UX change and determine its influence on website’s performance. This will help you to pick only the best practices, which will improve your website’s traffic and make it popular among your target audience.

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