
Python: A Language As Irreverent As It’s Intriguing

It was the time of Christmas, office closed, streets buzzing with shoppers, malls lighted and decorated for the holiday seasons, but somewhere in the suburbs of Amsterdam a passionate programmer at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) just looking for a project for a holiday project is developing what will be known as python the world’s most dynamic programming language. Call it a Christmas miracle or his ingenuity that such a language could be developed.

Python web programming may have started just as a hobby of the creator,  Guido van Rossum, but now due to it’s simplicity and platform agnostic characteristics it’s widely recognised language. The language was intended for the Amoeba operating system (A distributed operating system to make an entire network of computers appear to as a single machine).

Python came out as a powerful and simple language that was to replace Unix shell scripting. Now you must be wondering what is a shell script? To answer in simple terms it is a computer program designed to be run by the Unix shell, a command-line interpreter. Python was evaluated to other technologies at the time like Tcl and Perl and chosen as an easier to learn and use language with which to slowly replace older languages.

For those who are still relatively unaware of the language, Python can be your stepping stone into the programming world. Python development company are looking for fully stacked programmers and Python will surely get you there. Python is an object-oriented language what that means is that it is a type of computer programming in which programmers define not only the datatype of a data-structure,, just like Javascript, C++, C#, Perl, Ruby, and other main programming languages. For people planning to become software developers, learning this type of programming in one area will help you adapt easily in other environments.

So why is the language called readable?

Python development services are very similar to the English language, the language makes use of words like ‘not’ and ‘in’ to make it to where you can very often read a program, or script, aloud to someone else and not feel like you’re speaking some strange language. This is also fortified by Python’s very strict punctuation rules which means you don’t have curly braces ({ }) all over your code.

Also, Python makes use of a set of rules, known as PEP 8, that lets every Python developer know how to format their code. This can also imply that you always know where to make new lines and, more importantly, that pretty much every other Python script you pick up, no matter if it’s written by a novice or a seasoned professional, will look very similar and be just as easy to read. The fact that anyone’s Python code, with five or so years of experience, looks very similar to the code that Guido van Rossum (the creator of Python) writes is such an ego boost.
Python has been around for over twenty years, so a lot of code that was made in Python has built up over the years and, being an open source language, a lot of this has been released for other people to use. Most of it is collected on https://pypi.python.org, pronounced “pie-pee-eye” or, more commonly called “the Cheese-Shop”. it  can  be installed by this software on your system to be used by your own projects.

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