
How To See Your Favorite Show or Sports Team Live On Your Mac?

As you already know, your Mac is a convenient and powerful tool for completing a variety of tasks and consuming media. You might be wondering if you’re able to watch live TV on it, though. Sometimes it’s more convenient to watch shows on your computer than on your TV, especially if you’re on-the-go. Here’s a guide of how to watch your favorite sports teams and shows live on your Mac.

Web-Based Players

It’s now the standard for major TV stations to have web-based players on their websites. Major networks such as ABC, NBC, CBS, and HBO all have options like this, from live streaming to pre-recorded on-demand content. If you’re looking for your favorite sports team there are web-based live streaming options on the ESPN, MLB, and NFL websites just to name a few. Many television services such as XFINITY offer streaming options as well.

Streaming Apps

There are several apps available to download on your Mac that give you access to your favorite shows and sports. Once such app is called Sling TV. Sling TV allows you to watch the shows, sports games, and channels you love on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad. The app is clean, sleek, and user-friendly.

Other Options

There are plenty of other options for you to consume your favorite media on your computer. While they may not be live, Netflix and Hulu provide access to sought-after content. Hulu uploads many shows to watch shortly after they air, so if you aren’t paying for a TV service, this is a viable alternative.

Traditional TV isn’t the only way to stay updated on your favorite sports team or watch the newest episodes of your favorite show. With the above options, you can get everything you need right on your Mac. If you need more guidance or helpful MacBook air accessories, fill out our MelroseMAC contact form. You can also trust MelroseMAC to resell your old products, so you’ll never have to wonder “Why is there no Apple reseller near me?” again!

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