
How To Remove 3 Nasty Stains On Leather

Learn how to get rid of chewing gum, mold and dye on your leather furniture thanks to the professional tips by a carpet cleaning company in Hanwell.

No matter what you do stains will always occur, and you’ll have to deal with them. There are different fabrics and surfaces where they happen and I can’t tell you about all of them. What I can do is give you guidance on how to remove stains from leather furniture. Since there are different types of leather, you should consult a specialist just to be sure you don’t ruin the material, but the recipes will work for almost all types.


All the housewives who have children know the pain and all the trouble it is to clean the stains kids make. The reason is they’re very good at hiding the mess they made. You have no idea the places we have found chewing gum, food, crayon and other hard to remove things. And the worst thing is often when people find them it is already too late, the stain is dry and removing it takes ages. In general it is very hard for a gum to stick on leather unless it is melted or pressed, but it happens.

If you follow the steps, you won’t have any problem removing it from your leather upholstery. First, you have to freeze the area, ice cubes in a plastic bags are the perfect option. Once the gum is frozen it will be easy to chop off the particles with a tablespoon or a dull knife and be careful not to damage the leather. One of the most effective cleaning solutions for almost all kind of stains is saddle soap, so buy some and rub it onto the stain with circular motions. Wipe the excess using dry cloth and apply a conditioner.


There are actually three ways of dealing with dyed leather and you can choose the one you think will work best. For the first method you’ll need leather polish and cotton or wool rag. Apply little amount onto the spot and let it sit for then minutes. Wipe with the rag and if the stain still remains, try method number two. Believe it or not hair spray can be used for more than just making your hairdo, spray directly onto the stain and let the leather soak it for ten minutes.

Wipe the excess with the rag and see if there is any change. There is one last thing you can try before using commercial cleaning solution and that is vinegar of course. Almost anything in the house can be cleaned with vinegar, so why not leather. For this cleaner you’ll need equal quantities and the water should we warm. Dip the cloth and dab the spot until there is no trace of the dye stain.


Mildew and mold occur when the area was wet and hasn’t dried properly. If you have such a problem I recommend dealing with it immediately, otherwise you risk bacteria development. The treatment I suggest is a mixture of water and rubbing alcohol equal amounts poured into a spray bottle. Apply to the affected area and wipe with a rag and leave it to dry under direct sunlight. If this doesn’t help I strongly advice you to hire a professional cleaning company – the price you pay for their service will save you a lot of time and efforts.

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