
How To Have The Best Summer in 2023

Many people have said that the summer of 2023 is going to be the first proper summer since the pandemic. However, many people have forgotten all the best summer activities they enjoyed prior to 2020. If you want to make this summer the best summer yet, definitely add a few of these things to your checklist. 

Book A Great Holiday

Now that worldwide travel restrictions have eased, you should definitely be booking a holiday this summer. Many people have missed out on years of travelling and holidaying, and this summer is the perfect time to get your time back. You don’t need to book a 5-star all-inclusive in the Bahamas to have a great holiday – there are plenty of places within your country you can visit for a holiday. Or, you can always go on a short weekend getaway to a city in another country near you. Definitely get a great holiday booked if you want to make the most of your summer in 2023. 

Go On A Road Trip 

If there aren’t any beaches or natural water spots near you, as a weekend activity you should definitely go on a road trip with your friends. Summer is the best time to go on road trips with friends, as the road conditions aren’t as treacherous. If you’re thinking of camping, summer is also the perfect time as it is warmer during the nights. However, if you can’t go on a holiday, you should definitely consider fitting in a small road trip overnight instead, to a natural park or beach. Make sure to switch driving with your friends, so you can all be well-rested during the road trip. Before going on the road trip, you should also make sure that your car is road safe

Go Fruit Picking

Struggling with finding great activities you can do this summer with your friends? Spring and summer are the perfect times to go fruit picking. There are many orchards that allow people to pick and collect fruit, and it’s an ideal summer activity. Orchards can grow a lot of fruits such as oranges, peaches, lemons, figs, apples and pears. However, finding orchards that allow people to pick their fruit can be difficult. Instead, you could always go berry picking for wild blackberries or visit a strawberry farm. This is a great and unconventional summer activity you can do with your friends if you get bored. 

Try New Foods 

Summer is the best time to find new restaurants and try new cuisines, as the produce has a higher chance of being local and organic. Furthermore, summer is the best time to eat outdoors, and many restaurants and eateries put tables outside for this purpose. Discover new restaurants in your local area and neighbourhood, and try new cuisines with your friends. This is one of the best ways you can enjoy your summer without leaving your local area, and get the holiday experience in your local neighbourhood. 

Spend Time Outdoors

One of the best things about summer is how beautiful being outdoors is. The scenery and landscape look better wherever you are. If you live in the countryside, the green hills and flowers look amazing with a blue sky and shining sun in the background. Even if you live in the city, the skyscrapers and large buildings look great when the sun shines on them. Enjoy your summer by finding local green space wherever you can and spending time outdoors wherever you can find time – on your lunch break, on your commute, wherever you can. Take full advantage of the warmth and sunshine as you will miss it when winter rolls back around!

Have A Picnic With Friends

Spending time outdoors with your friends is one of the best things you can do to enjoy this summer, especially if you’re not going on a holiday or vacation. Enjoying a picnic in the park with your friends is a great summer activity and doesn’t take a lot of preparation, especially if you and your friends split the responsibilities of bringing food, drinks, utensils and more. Pack some of your favourite foods, bring a speaker and a big picnic blanket, and enjoy the summer sun!

Be Near Water

Sometimes, the heat can get oppressive and out of hand. However, one of the best ways you can cool down is to swim in and be around water. If you live in the countryside, local lakes and rivers are a great way you can cool down in the summer months. It can be harder to find natural water sources when you live in the city, so try to find local pools and lidos near you so you can cool down. However, if you live near a beach, this is one of the best spots to visit during the summer – swimming in the sea is definitely a summer essential activity. 

Go To A Sports Game

Summer is often the best time for national and international sports competitions and tournaments, and is definitely one of the best summer activities you can do. There are sports competition seasons within Cricket, Tennis, Rugby and Football. No matter what your favourite sport is, there will always be a game you can visit. If you can’t get tickets to the big games, you should still go and see local games and local teams play in your area and support your local sports scene. It is one of the best activities outdoors that you can do this summer!

Put Down Your Phone

Enjoying the outdoors is one of the best ways you can enjoy your summer, however, many people are too busy recording everything with their phones. However, summer is one of the best times to do a phone detox and spend time away from your devices, and truly connect with nature. Put your phone down for a certain amount of hours each day, and leave your devices at home. This is one of the best ways to be present, enjoy the summer, and truly connect with your surroundings. 

Don’t Forget To Dress For The Weather 

One of the most important ways to enjoy your summer is to dress with the summer weather in mind. Many people haven’t bought new summer clothes for the past few years, as opportunities for holidaying and socialising have been limited. However, treat yourself to some new summer clothes so you can enjoy the summer as much as you can. For example, why not treat yourself to a few new short dresses or linen trousers to keep cool during the summer months? Investing in some new sandals and sunglasses is also a great way to prepare for the summer, and ensure you have a great time. 


Make your summer the best one yet by adding just a few of these to your summer diary – you deserve it!


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