
How Far Has Window Technology Come In The Last 50 Years?

As industry and technology are becoming more and more advanced, the design and features of windows in our houses have also become exciting. Let us take a look at how window technology has changed in the last fifty years.

Upgrades in Window Technology over the Last Fifty Years

During the latter half of the twentieth century, PVCu plastic windows gained popularity as they were easy to manufacture and could be molded into creative designed. Later, in the 1970s, with the acceleration of technology and ease of manufacture aluminum windows became more popular. And advancement in glass manufacturing meant that houses could have larger windows without having to compromise on insulation. Today, windows can be made from wood and vinyl. You can choose from low emissivity glass or impact resistant glass and double or triple pane glass.

Windows Post-War

Dual-paned windows were ubiquitous in post-war homes up until the recession in the 1980s. These intended to save energy and money and insulate a house from outside noise. Studies found that these windows could reduce energy usage up to 24 percent in winter and up to 18 percent in warmer months, as compared to single-pane windows.

Windows Post-recession of the ‘80s

The last two decades saw a shift in design in windows. Palladian windows became more common. These were three-section windows where the center section is arched and is larger than the other two. These offered perfect brightness and some models would open up to let cool breeze come in.

The Need for Upgrading Windows in Your Home

With the advent of technology and growing need for energy efficiency, people started upgrading their windows. Here are a few reasons you should too. Some companies, such as Ken Caryl Glass, Inc., know that damaged or warped frames or window sashes must be replaced even if they still look operable. Jammed windows, foggy glass, and drafty windows indicate replacement. Reducing energy bills can be achieved by replacing them with energy efficient ones. Faulty windows can lead to 10 percent to 25 percent higher energy bills. While renovating an old house, you should consider replacing the windows to more modern vinyl ones.

Windows Today

Windows in the 21st century provide savvy features like thermal efficiency, durability, safety, twin-casement among others. Windows these days are made of vinyl, aluminum or wood. These can have self-cleaning glasses, impact resistant glass, window opening controls, blinds and shields between the glass and so on.

Indeed, window technology has come a long over the last fifty years. With new designs and technology, smart windows are all set to become a trend.

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