
Hong Kong Help – A Guide to Serviced Offices in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has been a long-standing international favourite for both diversion and business. With one of the world’s richest economies, entrepreneurs with grit and influence can turn a fledgeling business into a prosperous contender on the international level. A magnet for finance, technology and manufacturing, Hong Kong is an incredibly international city and rife with opportunity.

The city is attractive for many reasons, including being a place that encourages free trade. However, while the province’s economy is primarily supported by the number of corporate giants, SMEs and start-ups comprise a large number of businesses in Hong Kong. Furthermore, while Hong Kong is a majestic city to live and work in, businesses who have to watch their budget might find themselves priced out of office space simply because the offices available are way too expensive, with the exception of serviced offices.

Continue reading to learn more about the serviced office and how you can utilise this office solution for your business needs.

Leasing Facts

Working out of your Hong Kong serviced office provides you with the benefit of having affordable, clean office space in some of the more affluent areas around the province. The way serviced offices typically work is that businesses lease fully-furnished space and the use of the typical office equipment. Moreover, these outfits come fitted out with some of the finest IT services.

The benefit to businesses are numerous, but the most immediate one is related to drastically reducing your monthly overhead. Because you only use space and utilities, your bills are, for one, streamlined, and two, this reduces the amount spent at the end of the month. Another benefit includes these offices tend to be in CBDs in major districts, and this is the case as well because numerous serviced offices sit off of Finance Street and in the Kowloon area.

Company Profile

Serviced offices are leased by just about any business, but SMEs and start-ups usually find the serviced office a go-to because they are a cheaper option that places them close to financial centres in Hong Kong. Businesses who heavily rely on image to sell their products and services to clients are another population that occupies the serviced office just because they embody the corporate image. In addition, serviced offices are occupied by many legal and medical professionals.

Transitioning Your Business

The Hong Kong commercial real estate market has become so dense that it is beginning to expand. Even so, the serviced office presents businesses with the opportunity to transition into other spaces effortlessly, whether scaling up into a larger office or moving into alternative formats such as the virtual office. Because there is little downtime when expanding or even relocating, businesses can easily orchestrate a move, especially if the serviced office has other locations in the city and around the world.


In addition to world-class IT services, the serviced office provides businesses with access to other amenities that can help aid their business. Receptionist, some who are bilingual, are there to receive clients and answer and deliver messages, and some plans even provide businesses with after-hours answering service. Moreover, serviced offices located in the city usually offer after-hours building access to professionals. At a much lower rate, businesses can fit out their office while providing their business with a corporate image.

Your Serviced Office In Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s commercial real estate is one of the most expensive in the world. For those looking to fit out their business, leasing and furnishing a place can leave many with sticker shock at the rising costs. Alternatively, savvy professionals who want to exude a corporate image to their clients can take advantage of an office solution that provides them with the perfect fit out.

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