
Green Wax: An Ideal Hair Removal Product

Women are generally very conscious about their beauty. They go to saloons or try home remedies regularly to enhance their looks. Hair removal is a part of their regular beauty regime and they always look for different ways or products that can prove to be useful for them. Most commonly used method among women to get their unwanted hair removed is waxing. There are many different types of wax available in the market. Many of them do more harm than good as they contain harmful chemicals like toxins, hormone disruptors or sometimes even pesticides. So one has to be very careful in choosing her beauty products so that they don’t threaten your body and at the same time exfoliates and softens your skin.

Green Wax

Many women prefer to use green wax for hair removal as they feel that it is a highly effective wax which removes hair from the root and has long-lasting effects. Green wax is formulated with vegetable extracts which gives it a flexible composition. It has great elasticity and cools very fast which makes it suitable for speedy applications. No strips are required for hair removal and they are also less painful than the strips.It suits skin of all types including the most sensitive skin. It can be used on your whole body but it is ideal for Brazilian bikini waxing.

Preparations Made Before Going for Brazilian Bikini Waxing

Prepare yourself mentally: People who are getting their waxing done for the first time need to prepare themselves mentally more than physically as the first experience is always very challenging and painful for the newcomers. But with continuous sessions, your hair follicle gets thinner and are easy to remove.

Best time for Bikini wax: You should always prefer to go for waxing at least after one week of your cycle as it will be the least painful experience for you. Getting your appointment 1-2 days before or after your cycle can give you bad experience.

Keep yourself clean and hydrated: You should always take a shower before your appointment as it will keep the specialist away from sweaty crotch and also reduce chances of infection. You should also drink lots of water to keep you hydrated as it will help you during the procedure of bikini wax.

Moisturise adequately: No doubt, moisturised skin gives good results while you are getting your full Brazilian. But it should be the natural way and no oils should be applied at least 24 hours before you have your appointment.

Reveal your health conditions: In case, you are allergic to any product used in the saloon, you should tell about it to the professional beforehand so that you can keep yourself away from any kind of problems.

Things to avoid: Too much trimming can give you unsatisfactory results as all the hair will not be pulled out properly. Similarly too long hair will need to be trimmed. Ensure that your hair growth is suitable for waxing. Also, one should avoid taking alcohol before the session as it dehydrates you causing more pain.

Right clothing: To avoid your skin from getting rashes, it is advisable to wear full- coverage underwear made from soft cotton along with sweatpants. They will keep you comfortable and relaxed.


Following the above mentioned tips can help you in making your experience of Brazilian Bikini Waxing easier and less painful.

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