
Dropbox v Glasscubes, Cloud Storage or A Collaboration Software

Like a lot of new technology and software to hit the market, the cloud was introduced with little more than its bare-bones functionality. While most people didn’t understand the cloud, they knew it had something to do with storage. The big tech giants like Microsoft and Apple bundled the cloud with their operating systems. Apple’s iCloud was an easy online storage for important emails, notes and documents.

As with any technology that satisfies a market demand, the cloud quickly grew, and smaller companies and start-ups began offering cloud-based services beyond simple storage. Services like synchronised document edits and task management came to be standard cloud components.

Toda’s cloud services are essential business tools, from providing an online workspace to effectively meeting project targets and deadlines. Let’s take a look at two cloud services that take a very different approach: Dropbox and Glasscubes. One can help you stay organised while the other is a complete collaboration software.


Dropbox has been around for a while now as a cloud storage solution. Since its creation, Dropbox has improved its storage capabilities, increasing upload speeds and making it easy to see your files on all your devices, regardless of which platform you’re on. Dropbox offers several stellar services, and the best part is that you can use it for for free. Storage upgrades can be purchased, although options like inviting friends on Facebook give you minor storage bumps if you don’t need the full version. Uploading large files like videos is a breeze, while employees can easily access documents to edit and collaborate on.


Glasscubes offers project collaborators a complete software solution that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. This means that beyond storage, employees can team up on projects in virtual workspaces. Documents can be edited and tracked in real time while specific tasks can be assigned to individuals or groups and an instant messenger allows for easy communication across the board. Another advantage of a platform like Glasscubes is that it offers employees the opportunity to keep clients in the loop on project achievements as they happen. Glasscubes offers a flexible pay as you go plan for small businesses to only subscribe the number of users a project requires. Users can be subtracted without penalty.

Both of these companies offer a series of invaluable cloud-based tools to manage files and store documents. Dropbox works like a hard drive on a computer onto which files can be quickly dropped, sorted and edited. Glasscubes includes a storage facility but the focus is project driven.

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