
Do You Need The Drupal Multisite Installation?

Let’s discuss Drupal’s multisite installation that many web developers have been raving about. Drupal has given web developers the advantage of running a number of websites with only one codebase. This can be a great option for web developers that like to be able to keep a lot of websites organized. Web-Developers will be more organized with a multisite installation because they will have less code to manage and fewer configurations to remember for each site. Web-developers that manage many sites with different configurations of scripts can attest to this. The Daunting task to have to take notes and make jottings as to why certain actions were taken and little problems encountered can become very frustrating. This is one of the reasons Drupal is considered a Content Management Framework (CMF) and not just a Content Management System (CMS). The multisite installation can also be very useful for administrators that need to be able to make changes to many sites, with one alteration to the script. Drupal elements that are shared between web sites in the multisite configuration are modules, code and themes. The resulting effect is that managing all of the websites is much easier as changing the code will result in changes with all the sites connected in the configuration.

The multisite configuration can have both advantages and disadvantages. Using only one script means that many websites are dependent on only one source for its codes.

What are the Advantages of the Multisite Installation?

What are the Disadvantages of the Multisite Installation?

What Factors would make the Multisite Installation Unsuitable for Me?

Well, it all boils down to these factors

Happy Web Developing!

About the Author:

James Dean is an avid hiker that lives & breathes the outdoor life, capturing every moment with his childhood passion of photography. Following his interest in business, he writes columns forDrupal Developers in Orange County. Follow him on Google+

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