
Cross-browser Testing With Browserling

Cross-browser testing is a must for your web business. As you know, every browser is different and cross-browser testing makes sure your websites function equally well in all browsers. Testing ensures that the application operates properly on different kinds of mobile platforms and browsers. These days, users have a wide range of options when it comes to browsing the web. They use many different types of operating systems, devices, screen resolutions and browser capabilities. This makes tests very complex.

You can either run your own browsers and buy many mobile devices and tablets, or you can use do online cross-browser testing. Browserling offers the best services for it and makes it a fun and easy task. Browserling is the leading browser testing solution that is available today. It doesn’t require any kind of extra installation or download, and is made to just work in your browser. Today most of the professional and reputable web developers use this testing technology to create top quality websites.

What kinds of services and features does Browserling offers?

Top benefits of using Browserling for browser testing

Browserling supports modern as well as the most popular browsers such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, IE Edge, Opera, Safari, and Chrome. It supports all Microsoft operating systems including XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 along with mobile operating systems like Android Kit Kat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat, macOS Sierra, OSX El Capitan, OSX Yosemite, OSX Mavericks, OSX Mountain Lion, and others.

How Browserling actually works?

You can start your testing session in just a few clicks. You don’t need to register, you don’t need a credit card, and you don’t need to install any software. Everything just works from your browser. It’s specially designed to give you a seamless testing experience and it works like wonders!

Here’s how testing in Browserling works:

  1. Visit www.browserling.com.
  2. Enter the address of your website.
  3. Choose the Browser/OS combo that you want to test your web application on.
  4. Click on “Test now” button.
  5. Within 5 seconds, you will get a live interactive browser.

That’s it. In 5 steps and 5 seconds you get a browser in your browser. That’s fantastic!

Browserling Web Developer Tools

Browserling not only provides top notch web testing service but also top notch utilities for programmers and web developers. These tools are used by hundreds of thousands of developers around the world and they help solve common every-day tasks, such as:

The motto for their developer tools is: No ads, no nonsense, no garbage. Just tools. Press button, get result.

Browserling is awesome!

Browserling is world’s first and leading cross-browser testing company with more than 15,000 users worldwide. It offers top quality testing solutions without any popups, ads or interruptions. You can opt for an affordable paid versions to enjoy even more features and services, such as local testing and screenshots.

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