
Business Technology Trends To Follow In 2016

The 2016 has finally arrived and it is the right time to take a look at the trends that are going to rule during this year. These are mostly the same as the trends that dominated in 2015. Still, this year they are going to be updated and have more uses than they did in 2015. Besides these, we might expect some new trends to emerge and start conquering the market. Any companies that want to stay ahead of the game should do their best to stay on top of the trends. Here are some of them we can already start taking about.

Mobile Devices

One of the most important trends for 2016 will be the mobile devices. 2015 was finally the year in which more than half of the Google searches have been made on mobile devices. Not only that this trend will continue in 2016 but it will go far beyond that as well. More and more apps are designed and it seems they are starting to replace desktop based programs. Mobile payments are another trend that is on the rise. It allows you to make transactions quickly and without any troubles. So no matter how big your business is, it is recommended to make your website mobile-friendly as much as you can.

Data Storing

Cloud is not really a new storing system, but it has only recently begun to gain much momentum. Many people begun to use it in 2015 and it seems this trend is going to continue in 2016 even more intensively. Individuals as well as business are starting to replace hard disks with online storing space. One of the reasons Cloud gained so much popularity is that is quite cost-effective. It costs less than physical hardware but is as efficient. Another reason is its flexibility. It does not tie you down to a single PC. You can access the same cloud space from as many PCs as you want and save much time on copying data from one PC to another. According to statistics, 37% of small businesses in US switched to Cloud during 2015 and this is only a sign of what will happen in this year.

System Security

Security is something that cannot possibly stop progressing. New security breaches happen all the time and security has to stay up-to-date in order to challenge them. Many popular businesses were victims of data breaches in 2015. T-Mobile, BlueShield, Donald Trump’s hotel chains and many other have all experienced security breaches. Even though these are some famous examples, 71% of the hacker attacks target smaller businesses. Because all of this, system security is a thing we will have to pay much attention to in 2016 as well. If you are a business owner, you should also focus on this aspect of technology. You can never be too secure and always working on securing your data is a good thing to do.

New Designs

Every year, many companies change their design in order to refresh customers’ memory of the company. New looks is always more than welcome, especially if you have stuck with the same design for a long time. Today, there are so many programs and apps that can help you design a new logo or add some style to the current one. You can also make some adjustments on your company’s official website. If you decide to do this, not only will you be making your website look more stylish but you will also give your customers another reason to at least think about your product. With a new logo it is also the right time to create new promotional material. Contact a company that deals with commercial printing and make sure you attract some new customers in 2016 and have your company’s popularity grow.

Trends do not change much from year to year, even though some additions, like Cloud this year, are always present. Make sure you stay informed about all of these trends and adjust your business according to them as much as possible. Only a company that follows all of the trends will be able to remain competitive on the market.

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