
4 Serious Rules to Follow if You Are Going to Email Blast

It is not often that you hear about anyone email blasting these days.  After all, there are effective ways of launching email campaigns that far surpass simply sending out a non-personalized email to everyone on your email list.

That said, there are some instances when using an email blast is effective.

What is a blast you ask?

Email blasts are when you fail to segment your email list into distinct groups and send each group emails that relate to their interests, buying behaviors, or loyalty standings.

In short, you simply send the same email to every single subscriber on your email list.

Okay. So you want to do a blast every now and then.  If this is true, make sure to follow these rules:

1. Have a Smallish List

There are sure to be people that object to this rule, however, the bigger the list, the more lost opportunities.

Segmenting your email list into groups so you can personalize email campaigns is going to churn higher conversions any day. However, if you are a small to medium sized business that wants to get the same information out to everyone on your email list at once, a blast is probably okay.

2. Be Consistent

If you are going to send out random email blasts to everyone on your list, you are likely to find you are wasting your time. People crave personalization. And, if they are not getting that, they at least want consistency and value.

Random email blasts just for the sake of sending emails makes no sense and will not help you convert more sales. But if you send out generalized emails to everyone on a regular basis, that offer something worthwhile, then you might find your conversions increasing.

3. Always Include a CTA

Even if you are sending out generic emails to an entire email list, don’t forget the reason you are email marketing in the first place.  

Whether you want people to share your blog content on their social media sites, purchase from your eCommerce shop, or get involved in a community event your business is hosting, have a clear call to action in the email that subscribers can follow.

Have them sign up to volunteer, share your product release in exchange for a discount, or give them a coupon to use in your online shop. No matter the end goal, always have something for people to do after reading your blast.

4. Measure Your Results

Don’t let the time it takes to launch well thought out email campaigns push you in the direction of email blasts. This will do you and your business no good, and you might as well stop emailing altogether if this is the case.

However, if you truly feel you offer value in sending everyone on your list the same emails, invest a little time in analyzing the data behind your campaigns. This will really let you know if what you are doing is working, or whether you need to consider another approach.

In the end, though some may say email blasting is a thing of the past, the truth is it can work if you put some thought into what you are sending those on your email list.

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