
4 Marketing Strategies That Actually Work

Small businesses typically face a lot of struggles during their development and they need to find solutions in order to overcome each and every one of these obstacles. A prominent one for small businesses is definitely finding the right marketing strategies for their specific activity profile. Unfortunately, each business needs a custom-tailored marketing strategy since there is no universal approach that fits every company like a glove. However, there are some best practices that typically offer great results – let’s look at four of the most popular such best practices:

  1. Giveaways

This practice has gained a lot of popularity in the past years, with more and more businesses giving away their products or free trials of their services, especially when they reach an important milestone. The beauty of this technique is that it appeals to a lot of people simply because everyone likes to receive something for free, regardless of their background. What’s more, giving away one of your best-performing services or products is a great way to further promote your business.

  1. Small Tokens of Appreciation

Another great way to spur your customer’s interest is to show them how much you appreciate their business. For example, whenever someone made a larger purchase, you can include a bottle of wine and a personal note in the package you send their way or any other such symbolic gift that serves as a universal token of appreciation. The possibilities are endless, really. Simply search for the best deal on the web and have a stash ready for whenever the occasion arises. It’s a gesture that will strengthen your existent customer relationships and may even draw new ones.

  1. Choose Your Clients Carefully

This is a more subtle approach to which you may not immediately see the benefits. But let’s take a closer look at it. If you take the time and invest your resources and getting to know your potential clients, you can actually select them yourself, which does not only have a good psychological effect, but also enables you to promote your business within clear parameters. Once you are able to pinpoint who your clients are, everything becomes clearer and you are undoubtedly setting yourself up for an increase in profitability.

  1. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Professional Profiles

Nowadays small businesses should never underestimate the power of the internet, social media and professional profiles, such as LinkedIn and Google Profiles. A client may have heard about you or may have lost your business card, so they need to find you in a matter of seconds as soon as they do a Google search. As an extra bonus, the mammoth SEO, as well as social media profiles also give you the possibility to promote your website or page, so that the right people hear about it.

These are only a few of the techniques you can approach in order to grow your clientele. Whatever combination of marketing strategies you choose, it’s important to never stop marketing, regardless if you are just starting out your company or if you have already established a solid customer base.

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